White Balance and Write

White balance in photography is all about making sure the colors in your photos look true to life. Different light sources can give your images a tint, like a blueish hue under fluorescent lighting or a warm/yellowish tone under candlelight.. Adjusting the white balance helps you get rid of those color casts and make your photos look more natural. Color temperature in photography is about different light sources have varying color temperature along the blue- yellow spectrum. Warmer color temperatures, like those from candle flames or sunsets have a low kelvin value (around 3000 K), while cooler color temperatures, such as those from clouds or shade, have a high kelvin value (6000 K and beyond). Color casts can cause problems in photography. They make it  difficult to capture accurate colors and can give your photos an undesirable look. Whether you’re photographing a stunning sunset or showcasing products, neutralizing color casts is essential for portraying subjects as true to life as possible. In- camera white balancing is a useful feature that allows you to adjust the white balance settings before you take a photo. When you play the white balance, you can create different vibes in your photos. Adding a colder white balance gives a moody feel, while a warmer white balance creates a welcoming and nostalgic effect.

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