100 most influential Photos

Lunch Atop A skyscraper, 1932

 It’s amazing how those construction workers were able to enjoy their meal so high above Manhattan. Even though the photo was staged for a promotional campaign, it has become a powerful symbol of American resilience and ambition during the challenging times of the Depression.

Falling Man, Richard Drew, 2001

The image of the Falling Man is a haunting and powerful representation of the individual amidst the tragedy of 9/11. While many of the widely seen images focus on the planes and towers, this photo captures the bravery and desperation of one’s persons escape. The image faced backlash and controversy due to its graphic nature, but it serves as a reminder of the sacrifices made that day.

Earthrise, William Anders, NASA, 1968

The iconic Earthrise photo taken by the Apollo 8 astronauts on charismas Eve in 1968 was a turning point in our understanding of our world. It showcased the beauty and fragility of our planet and helped ignite the environment movement. it also reminded us of the preciousness of our home in the vastness of space. It’s a powerful image that continues to inspire awe and appreciation for the wonders of Earth.

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